Wednesday, 28 December 2016

OLS Reflections Trente-Neuf

OLS Reflections Trente-Neuf by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul

  • Arguing with a fool means you’re also one.

  • Almost everything becomes interesting once you get into it. You just need the right sparks and those who ignite them.

  • If I had a dollar for every time someone called me crazy, I’d build a mental asylum and check them into it one by one.

  • Did you ever wonder why by the end of every year many people always love saying that this has been “the worst” year due to some deaths or catastrophes or whatever? It seems like they forget that every year there will be deaths and catastrophes and whatever, as well as fun and happiness and good things. That’s how life is. Looking at the brighter side of existence is a choice. As simple as that.

  • Nothing gives a man credibility more than saying “I have been there”. For experience can never be studied or bought. That’s why it is the mother of all wisdom.

  • Some women can make you feel like the King of the World. Others lead you to appreciate being the King of your Castle. And then there are those special Queens who propel you to feel both simultaneously while enjoying the merry ride we call life with you.

  • High awareness allows you to not only notice things which others usually don’t, but also who notices first, last, and who doesn’t notice.

  • One can tell a whole lot about people from what entertains them.

  • Nothing says cosy more than the warmth of a woman’s skin against yours.

  • Not so long ago I was still listening to people who thought they knew better about my own life than myself… until it made no sense at all.

OLS Reflections Trente-Neuf by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul


OLS Reflections

OLS Reflections Deux

OLS Reflections Vier

OLS Reflections Khamsa

OLS Reeflections Yedi

OLS Reflections 八

OLS Reflections Ten

OLS Reflections Onze

OLS Reflections 13

OLS Reflections Quince

OLS Reflections Sixteen

OLS Reflections Dix-Huit

OLS Reflections تسعة عشر

OLS Reflections Veinte Uno

OLS Reflections 22

OLS Reflections Dreiundzwanzig

OLS Reflections Twenty-Four

OLS Reflections Vingt-Six

OLS Reflections Ventisette

OLS Reflections Veintinueve
OLS Reflections 30

OLS Reflections Einunddreißig

OLS Reflections  إثنان وثلاثون

OLS Reflections Thirty-Three

OLS Reflections Trentaquattro

OLS Reflections 37

OLS Reflections Forty  

OLS Reflections Einundvierzig

OLS Reflections — The Spiritual Edition 

OLS Reflections Cuarenta y Cuatro

OLS Reflections 45

OLS Reflections Quarantasette

OLS Reflections — The Unpublished Edition

OLS Reflections Forty-Nine

OLS Reflections 50 

OLS Reflections Cincuenta y Dos

OLS Reflections Cinquantaquattro

OLS Reflections पचपन 

OLS Reflections 57

OLS Reflections Cinquante-Neuf

OLS Reflections Sesenta y Uno

OLS Reflections ثلاثة وستون 

OLS Reflections Soixante-Cinq

OLS Reflections 67

OLS Reflections Sixty-Eight 

OLS Reflections 69 
OLS Reflections Settanta­quattro
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