Wednesday 19 June 2019

OLS Reflections Sixty-Eight

OLS Reflections Sixty-Eight by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul

And, Ladies and Gents, Numero 68 is here, meaning 680 reflections over the course of the past five years. Me thinks it would be a neat idea to maybe have 200 or 300 in one book. Then follow it by another 200-300 in the sequel. I will also add one of my photos to each reflections. So it’s the philosophy plus the photography.

  • The more you raise your vibrations, the clearer the vision of your mind and heart become, the more aware you are of other life forms.

  • We grow only when we let go. The reality is, many are stuck in the phase between the caterpillar and the butterfly. They are not the first anymore; yet because they fear and resist change, they are not open to the chance of becoming the latter. The one and only way to fully become who you essentially are at the core is to spread your wings fearlessly and trust that Life will lift you up to undreamed of heights. As the Zen proverb reminds us: “Let go or be dragged.” 

  • The most efficient way to stop others from asking you for help is to choose to lecture them or go with “I told you so” whenever they do.

  • My Dear, only if you knew how much you already know. There is a good reason why inner, universal truths seem to always be revealed to us as an act of recognition and remembrance rather than one of discovery. For they have been there all along. You see, part of the process of awakening to our true nature, to the conscious experience, consists of you remembering who you essentially are before all the conditioning, labelling, and mind-corruption. Only when you dig deep and come to know yourself — your naked, unlabelled self — will you finally realise that you are the consciousness of Mankind. You are the god of the trillion of atoms, molecules, neurons, and never endings which make you YOU. For you create your own reality, and no one can take this away from you. Now act like it.

  • The sense of being fully yourself, as in madly and unapologetically, is a luxury denied to many.

  • Just because someone isn’t a dickhead with you — for whatever reason — doesn’t necessarily make them not a dickhead by default. If you truly wish to understand the true nature and human essence of someone, look beyond your self. Simply observe how they treat those who can do nothing for them — neither good nor bad. Then their true character will appear to you as clear as the morning sun.

  • We do not become grateful by being happy; we become happy by being grateful. The more grateful you are, the more you attract people, situations, and things to be grateful for. Gratitude is the ultimate Attitude.

  • Heal Thyself to a HealThy Self NowHere other than Now Here.

  • Whoever convinced you that you’re not good enough had also been previously convinced they were not good enough. The only way out of this unhealthy cycle is by knowing your true self through self-actualisation. Only then can one begins to shine like the stars we all essentially are. Shine on and on.

  • Never judge a book by its look. For everyone has a story if we are willing to listen. 

OLS Reflections Sixty-Eight by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul


OLS Reflections

OLS Reflections Deux

OLS Reflections Vier

OLS Reflections Khamsa

OLS Reeflections Yedi

OLS Reflections 八

OLS Reflections Ten

OLS Reflections Onze

OLS Reflections 13

OLS Reflections Quince

OLS Reflections Sixteen

OLS Reflections Dix-Huit

OLS Reflections تسعة عشر

OLS Reflections Veinte Uno

OLS Reflections 22

OLS Reflections Dreiundzwanzig

OLS Reflections Twenty-Four

OLS Reflections Vingt-Six

OLS Reflections Ventisette

OLS Reflections Veintinueve
OLS Reflections 30

OLS Reflections Einunddreißig

OLS Reflections  إثنان وثلاثون

OLS Reflections Thirty-Three

OLS Reflections Trentaquattro

OLS Reflections 37

OLS Reflections Trente-Neuf
OLS Reflections Forty  

OLS Reflections Einundvierzig

OLS Reflections — The Spiritual Edition 

OLS Reflections Cuarenta y Cuatro

OLS Reflections 45

OLS Reflections Quarantasette

OLS Reflections — The Unpublished Edition

OLS Reflections Forty-Nine

OLS Reflections 50 

OLS Reflections Cincuenta y Dos

OLS Reflections Cinquantaquattro

OLS Reflections पचपन 

OLS Reflections 57

OLS Reflections Cinquante-Neuf

OLS Reflections Sesenta y Uno

OLS Reflections ثلاثة وستون 

OLS Reflections Soixante-Cinq

OLS Reflections 67

OLS Reflections 69
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