Sunday 20 February 2022

OLS Reflections Setenta y Ocho

OLS Reflections Setenta y Ocho by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul

  • True love means to see and accept others as they fully are — their flowers as well as roots. No matter how dark or deep, without mud there would be no blossoming lotus.

  • The ultimate mastery of all is one over your own mind.

  • The more attention you get, the more you will wish to get. This never-ending ego-loop is the ultimate trap. 

  • A thousand suns shone out of her smile
    Drowning in his very pupils

    Though it may take a while

    One day she may soothe all his ills.

  • It is remarkable when people brag for being part of the majority. I did X — just like 67 million people.

  • Suffering lies in the abyss between the life you wish you had and the one you are actually creating. A gentle reminder that we create our own reality and that most of our true sufferings are self-induced. Echoing with the illuminating words of the Roman Stoic philosopher Seneca: “We suffer more in our imagination more often than in reality.”

  • The very idea that we can go to bed one night to never ever wake up should entice us to enjoy life in its fullest. One way to do so is to connect with Nature; to build a lasting relationship with it. Because we ARE Nature. We only seem to temporarily forget it — due to the distractions of life. But truly, it is the realisation of the inevitability of our own mortality that tends to wake us up. Health is wealth. Choose Life while you still can.

  • Mother Nature is the solution to most of your problems.

  • May you all find Love in your hearts, Peace in your minds, and passion in your lives.  

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