Thursday 9 June 2016

OLS Reflections Ventisette

"Mr Mojo Ridin" by Omar Cherif - Venice Beach, California 2014
  • Dreams are the Pearly Gates of the subconscious. Pay attention and follow them confidently to where they lead you. For they are also the language in which our souls communicate with the YOUniverse.

  • Life often seems to give us what we need rather than what we want. 

  • The more people are frustrated or lead uneventful lives, the more they tend to drive aggressively. Either to let go of the frustrations or to get a kick out of the action.

  • You should never force someone to join your dream.

  • The more we observe patterns, the more we connect the dots and make sense out of them, the more we learn. 

  • Once you can balance your body you can balance your life.

  • It is wise to note that whatever their beliefs or inclinations are, most people are doing what they can from their own level of consciousness — their own level of understanding. They are trying to figure how the world works and what their role in it might be, which are not the easiest things to figure out.

    It is equally wise to remember that not everyone thinks the way we think or knows the things we know. Different people may take different paths to reach their mountain top. Some seeking the ultimate Truth, or beauty, or happiness and fulfilment, or God. They differ only on the surface, but they are all seekers. This is how we are all essentially One.

  • Knowing a foreign language or two is useful. But understanding body language can be even more beneficial. Simply because it’s universal and extends across different species.

  • Beauty will always be there for those who seek it.

  • We are as free as much as we believe to be.
Omar Cherif at Collège Saint Marc — Alexandria, Egypt 2015


OLS Reflections

OLS Reflections Deux

OLS Reflections Vier

OLS Reflections Khamsa

OLS Reeflections Yedi

OLS Reflections 八

OLS Reflections Ten

OLS Reflections Onze

OLS Reflections 13

OLS Reflections Quince

OLS Reflections Sixteen

OLS Reflections Dix-Huit

OLS Reflections تسعة عشر

OLS Reflections Veinte Uno

OLS Reflections 22

OLS Reflections Dreiundzwanzig

OLS Reflections Twenty-Four

OLS Reflections Vingt-Six

OLS Reflections Veintinueve
OLS Reflections 30

OLS Reflections Ein Unddreißig

OLS Reflections  إثنان وثلاثون

OLS Reflections Thirty-Three

OLS Reflections Trentaquattro

OLS Reflections 37

OLS Reflections Trente-Neuf

OLS Reflections Forty  

OLS Reflections Einundvierzig

OLS Reflections — The Spiritual Edition 

OLS Reflections Cuarenta y Cuatro

OLS Reflections 45

OLS Reflections Quarantasette

OLS Reflections — The Unpublished Edition

OLS Reflections Forty-Nine

OLS Reflections 50 

OLS Reflections Cincuenta y Dos
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