Sunday 5 March 2017

OLS Reflections Einundvierzig

OLS Reflections Einundvierzig by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul

  • A natural, genuine smile is the most beautiful feature a woman could possess. 

  • What if I told you that God doesn’t have a Facebook account? If you believe in an all-knowing, all-powerful God, then you should also believe that He can listen to the prayers you whisper to yourself. Of course if the purpose of publicising the prayers is to gain attention and/or sympathy, then that’s a whole different story.

  • There is substantial truth in the saying “The bigger the fire, the more darkness it reveals”. For as our light increases, so does our apprehension of the darkness.

  • The mentality of idolising rulers will not vanish until the generations who think as such vanish and be replaced by generations who are well aware that a ruler is a government official who works for you. Period.  

  • One of the major problems facing young people living within cultures in which regressive mindsets are dominating is that they get married for the wrong reasons. Mainly, to gain their freedom and to be able to have sex. Without marriage, obtaining these two natural rights will always remain a challenge, especially in the lower socioeconomic segment of the population where education is lacking.

    Further, the more healthy sexuality is repressed, the more people develop feelings of guilt and shame about it. Instead of a natural expression of love, sex is seen as a dirty, impure, and immoral act. This consequently often leads to sexual perversion among other neurotic compulsions.

    In truth, many problems ― psychological, biological, social, and economical ―  would be solved if more people had healthy sex. Simply because the feelings of guilt and shame, as well as anxiety, frustration, stress, insecurity, aggressive behaviour, emotional instability, lack of self confidence among other harmful effects of sexual repression would all dramatically diminish.

  • One of my greatest joys in life is doing what others say I cannot do.

  • The more we see ourselves as victims who need to be saved, the more we’ll attract people offering to help. While this is not necessarily a bad thing, but it keep us depending on others and hence, stuck in the disempowering cycle of the victim mentality.

    Truly, once you save yourself the universe will somehow conspire to help you out. But the work must be ignited from within. A the very end, we are our own victim as well as our own saviour... the rest are mere excuses. 

  • You see, when you come to truly know your self — your real Self — you cannot help but to love it. When you do love yourself you tend to become conscious towards it; you therefore thrive to maintain a healthy mind, body, and soul. So you eat right, move right, and talk to yourself right.

  • Art is the way through which we express our apprehension of who we are, of what ‘reality’ is, and of how the universe seems to work. As such, artists should always be encouraged; for it is how we get a glimpse of others’ realities.

  • Throughout the past few years I have noticed that the more I openly share intimate stuff with my readers, the more they reach out to me to share some their own intimate stuff.

OLS Reflections Einundvierzig by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul


OLS Reflections

OLS Reflections Deux

OLS Reflections Vier

OLS Reflections Khamsa

OLS Reeflections Yedi

OLS Reflections 八

OLS Reflections Ten

OLS Reflections Onze

OLS Reflections 13

OLS Reflections Quince

OLS Reflections Sixteen

OLS Reflections Dix-Huit

OLS Reflections تسعة عشر

OLS Reflections Veinte Uno

OLS Reflections 22

OLS Reflections Dreiundzwanzig

OLS Reflections Twenty-Four

OLS Reflections Vingt-Six

OLS Reflections Ventisette

OLS Reflections Veintinueve
OLS Reflections 30

OLS Reflections Einunddreißig

OLS Reflections  إثنان وثلاثون

OLS Reflections Thirty-Three

OLS Reflections Trentaquattro

OLS Reflections 37

OLS Reflections Trente-Neuf

OLS Reflections Forty 

OLS Reflections — The Spiritual Edition 

OLS Reflections Cuarenta y Cuatro

OLS Reflections 45

OLS Reflections Quarantasette

OLS Reflections — The Unpublished Edition

OLS Reflections Forty-Nine

OLS Reflections 50 

OLS Reflections Cincuenta y Dos

OLS Reflections Cinquantaquattro

OLS Reflections पचपन 

OLS Reflections 57

OLS Reflections Cinquante-Neuf

OLS Reflections Sesenta y Uno

OLS Reflections ثلاثة وستون 

OLS Reflections Soixante-Cinq

OLS Reflections 67

OLS Reflections Sixty-Eight 

OLS Reflections 69 
OLS Reflections Settanta­quattro
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