Sunday 16 June 2024

Phree Phlow

Phree Phlow by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul

Following the most recent (H)ero, here is more language fun. 

Superfluous Lewis diving into the abyss
Dulcifluous Chris needed a first kiss
Miss they won’t, shan’t and can’t
Kentucky blissful lucky
Found at the end of this rant
Kaleidoscopic hues they use
Holotropic psychonautic breathing abuse
Accuse-bemuse, confuse-diffuse, excuse-profuse
Electrifying muse at the tip of a ventouse fuse


Now the abyss is staring back
Would he all alone hold his own?
Sun shone nick-knack rack attack
Give a cloned dog a
 coned bone


Synergic lysergic cantankerous incantation
Illuminated notion nation
What limpid sublimation
Incipient and vacillant
Absconding, fractious, resilient
Querulous, rubefacient, impending
Supervenient and factitious with an ending
Let the bell ring. See what it’ll bring
Rung Rang Ring: O’ Dung Dang Ding.


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