Sunday, 2 April 2017

Francophun يا Waladé

Francophun يا Waladé by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul

Why conjure a mostly-French along with some Arabic  lampoon limerick about Donald Trump? No clue, really. I guess seeing how this toxic and absurdly bizarre reality-TV businessman was navigating his presidency, the self-expression seems to have just come out. The hate, the ignorance, the small-mindedness, the sad hilarity of it all; it’s a whole lot to take in and eventually come to accept, especially from someone assuming such title in such a large and complex country.

It was my third year residing in Venice Beach when those humorous words were scribbled. Maybe in French so that the English-speaking world doesn’t get it ― like some kind of cryptic language? But what would be the point then? Oh well, we don’t have much control over that which comes out. So here it is.

Also Trump Le Trompeur (2021) is for some reason another one about the same orange man.

T’as arnaqué les gringalets
T’as violé leur métiers
Ils demandent pourquoi tu dis: pédé
من غير ليه

Tu le sais come je le B
Chui complement singlet
Ton ignorance m fais chié
Pétard, راح أحطك عليه

De loin ou tout près
Tes cheveux sont vachement laids
m’étonnes comme une tonne de lait
Conne, ça c’est “a ton” en Anglais,
Hun, what a mindless blasé

Flânant les rues en décolleté
Toujours prêt a sucer
Du soufflé sucré, pépé
Ah oué! souffler c “blow” en Anglais
Que je change de sujet?

T né pour se faire baiser
Besoin d’une raclé sur le nez
Une faissé
 sans expliquer
Pendant que ce Beih

 يولع son J

Quel stupidité ce Trump du U.S.A
Ce mec orange, tu sais, que tout le monde hait
ياللا واحد أمبليه علي اتنين براوليه
قبل يا بيه ماندلدله من رجليه
How OK is ce trilingue sonnet.

Francophun يا Waladé by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul
Northern Coast of Egypt and a painting by Mennah Hafez, 2015

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