Being the least category of substances to be drawn to, I wanted to better understand stimulants like amphetamines and methamphetamines — including crystal meth. Considering all the Adderall, Ritalin, and the likes over-prescribed to kids, teenagers, and adults along with the rampant use of meth in the streets, notably in the U.S, parts of Europe, and somewhat recently also in Egypt among Africa and the Middle East, I was curious to know more about these potent synthetic drugs.
The curiosity is largely fuelled by being an inquisitive psychonaut. For those inherently interested in psychology, philosophy, neuropsychopharmacology, mysticism, subjects like altered states of consciousness and drugs remain essential material, through which one is more sensibly acquainted with the inner reaches of the mind as well as with the Human Condition in its entirety. Research, in general, is equally inspired by the desire to unveil the truth in hope to become informed.
So, Amphetamine, Methamphetamine, and Crystal Methamphetamine: What is the history of each of these similar-sounding substances? What are the differences and similarities between them? What are the short-term and long-term effects on the human psyche and physical body? Any possible benefits?
The curiosity is largely fuelled by being an inquisitive psychonaut. For those inherently interested in psychology, philosophy, neuropsychopharmacology, mysticism, subjects like altered states of consciousness and drugs remain essential material, through which one is more sensibly acquainted with the inner reaches of the mind as well as with the Human Condition in its entirety. Research, in general, is equally inspired by the desire to unveil the truth in hope to become informed.
The following are the findings, which as I often do are shared in the form of a story rather than sounding like a news reportage or academic paper. Hopefully to make it more enjoyable for you and for myself.
My first experience with uppers began when I went to Los Angeles to attend a summer semester at UCLA. Being 19, I was still fresh and eager to experiment. Upon arrival at the City of Angels I only knew an ex who happened to be seeing this guy who was into “speed”. We couldn’t even score greens, so for several days my buddy and I were smoking it through a glass pipe as instructed. Occasionally though we would snort a line of the white powder, which I remember would always hurt my nose. In terms of route of administration and bio-availability, smoking is more potent than intranasally while weaker than injecting.
As a stimulant, on speed you are up, alert, focused while not looking much like on anything. Just ultra sober, one could say. You do not eat much, and something I specifically remember enjoying was night driving our rental car while blasting techno-electronic music — usually following the Pacific Ocean coast through Malibu. Then back to the dorms in Westwood by 5 or 6 am. Other stimulant-induced symptoms were increased pulse and heart rate leading to increase in blood pressure, enlarged pupils, hyperactivity, talkativeness, some light-headedness, and of course, insomnia.
It was quite the experience for younger me. Though after having briefly tried ecstasy and cocaine already, “speed” seemed like it turned me into some kind of robot. There was no feeling of eternal love or empathy or any connectedness with nature or the universe as one gets with MDMA among other psychedelics; it didn’t even have the warmth of codeine, which was another reference point to my developing mind. It also rarely made me feel like wanting to dance to the music I was listening to — even though I was enjoying the listening.
By the end of those five or six days I may have lost few pounds. This was when I came to agree with the common reputation: Speed is a cheap high. In my mind then I bundled it with something like crack as it was registered as not an enjoyable recreational fun. The conclusion reached was that I need more than just some added energy, to put it simply.
On that same upper note, before that trip I had already heard from former students how they used OTC caffeine pills called NoDoze to stay awake and study before the exams. I might have tried them once or twice, to study. But that was that.
Also in L.A I came across a few girls who were looking for speed. It was when I first began noticing how this class of drugs is preferred by females who enjoy the added energy along the appetite-suppressant quality. I equally learned it’s commonly used by students, truck drivers, and high-intensity workers. In Egypt, truck drivers did opium for the same stimulating effect.
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Need for Speed |
Throughout the following years in late 90s Egypt, I came to try speed several times with friends. Some would bring a bit from London or the U.S, and we would usually do it when there was nothing else to hit. It was like the cheaper coke.
In the UK, T.D were dubbed ‘Chalkies’ or ‘Tombstones’. In Egypt, the drug was almost unknown to anyone except some housewives and mothers along with very few experienced druggies. Other related worldwide brand names are Anorex, Linea, Nobesine, Prefamone, Regenon, Tepanil.
As I came to find out — bless the Internet — Tenuate is a stimulant drug of the phenethylamine, amphetamine, and cathinone classes. To feel its speedy effects you needed at least five pills. The couple of times we did them we took six or eight. While we did go out clubbing and dancing one of those nights, there was, again, no empathetic sensations or warmth. Just energy and that feeling that everything is alright, which is not a bad sensation. But I was still looking for more enriching experiences. This hunger to get high once led to taking ecstasy four days in a row with the same group of friends during a trip to the Red Sea... before realising that it’s not how it’s properly taken. For one, because as with most substances the body builds tolerance.
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Bless the Internet, after 20 years I was able to locate them online and finally know what they were/are |
The gained perspective is either for spiritual purposes or for the exploration of the Human Condition or certain degrees of both. A psychonaut is also he or she who refers to a methodology for describing and explaining the subjective effects of altered states of consciousness, including those induced by meditation, sensory deprivation, or archaic and modern use of mind-altering substances — particularly entheogens (Hallucinogens).
Another thing with uppers specifically and myself personally is that I naturally always had the extra energy and ability to focus, which many people seem to chase when doing this class of drugs. Such heightened awareness made me speak fast, walk fast, and think fast. In fact, when talking about something I’m passionate about or when immersed into telling a story, some may whisper in my ear “Are you on blow? Do you have some?” True story.
That said, the following 13-14 years were spent away from purely speedy stuff — experimenting with all the other classes and substances, like psychedelics, barbiturates, ecstasy on occasions and later some cocaine. After a few years, the main drug of choice became opiates along with weed and hash — probably to slow myself down. This toxic lifestyle eventually led to a seven-year heroin addiction; not being into needles at all, fortunatley, after a year of smoking it was then all up the nose. During this dark period, H would sometimes mixed with Rohypnol, cocaine, and ketamine, usually one mix at a time, though on rare occasions all together. Yes. Some of us did these wacky things so you don’t have to. Seriously, beware: Mixing such drugs is how people die and I’m utterly grateful I’m still alive and writing these lines following all such madness.
Afterwards, I left it all behind and headed to Canada, which became the ultimate detox. A couple of years later there I had to chance to try Adderall once or twice. A friend of this girl who had a priscription gave us a few. This was the first pharmaceutical speed to try after Tenuate Dospan many years prior — at least in a pill form. And again, I was just slightly energised. Already having an idea, I was casually drinking wine and smoking up. I only took a pill or two, which didn’t really take me to any special place... not that I was looking.
After a few years in Canada my journey led me to Venice Beach in Los Angeles. I had completely recovered by then and was in my best shape in aeons, psychologically as well as physically. Due to significantly more human connections and interactions in sunny California, I came to notice how amphetamines and meth/crystal meth are spread around, between seemingly regular people and street folks alike. Since I have no intention in “speeding” things up — because they are already pretty fast — I never sought to try it again.
The first time I saw someone lucidly highlight the similarities between both these drugs was in a video of Carl Hart, a professor of neuroscience and psychology at Columbia University. The interesting is that the man is a former user himself.
In his book, High Price: A Neuroscientist’s Journey of Self-Discovery That Challenges Everything You Know About Drugs and Society, Hart exposes “Why are meth and crack cocaine believed to be such horrifyingly devastating drugs, while cocaine and Adderall are often seen as recreational drugs of high society.” This caught my attention because it was what I first believed. It became the main motivator to educate myself more on the subject rather than believing the mainstream hype.
You can watch an interview with the man on Democracy Now at the end of this exposé. You can also check his TedMed Talk titled: Let’s quit abusing drug users.
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Vyvanse (Lisdexamfetamine) is an amphetamine prescribed to treat ADHD and binge-eating disorder |
I then came across a freaky story through a pretty young woman I met. At one point, she confessed that her father is a meth head and that he was the first to shoot her with it. Uhu. She got hooked for a while but then cleaned up.
She further shared that her ex-husband is also meth head; and that one day her three-year old daughter came back from a visit to her father with a needle in her foot. Aouch!
But perhaps when mentioning the word “Meth” today, the show Breaking Bad is what first comes to the minds of many through the collective consciousness. Funnily enough, I never watched it when it was running, despite few friends telling me I have to. I had already stopped watching TV by the time the show became a hit, but could have always downloaded it. Honestly, it was a time in my life when I was regaining my health after years of leading a toxic lifestyle and wasn’t that excited to get into a show about a class of drug I don’t even fancy. So I didn’t. As a result, I lacked the basics about this drug. *[Few years later I did watch all 5 seasons]
As such, with all these stories and epidemics I reckoned that I have never actually tried meth. Looking at before and after Faces of Meth photos was enough to deter me from the whole idea — despite finding out later on that it is more of a media hype to stereotype and that many meth heads do not look like those photos at all. These methed up faces are not a direct side effect of the drug, but it is due to the harsh lifestyle itself some users often lead — when neglecting proper diet and hygiene. I already knew the same about heroin addiction, though apparently it is the same kind of hype to scare people from meth.
Nevertheless, I have already gone through seven years of addiction and was able to survive it. So obviously getting into something which seems even more dangerous than heroin was not even an option. That’s all in addition to the fact that uppers are not really my kind of high.
Then again, trying it once at this age wouldn’t be the end of the world. For the sake of research and for knowing, or so this experimentalist psychonaut thought. So basically, it was mere curiosity lacking the enthusiasm. This led to never trying to find or score any meth. Eventually I thought it’s a convenient time to do my research in order to better learn about both amphetamines and methamphetamines: Their history. What they really are. What they do. And what are the differences and similarities between them. So I started digging.
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Amphetamine first marketed in 1933 as a decongestant in the United States by Smith, Kline & French |
As the names suggest, there is a clear similarity between amphetamine, methamphetamine, and crystal methamphetamine. While these stimulant drugs are closely related as they share the same chemical base along some qualities and characteristics, the process they undergo significantly alters how they affect us.
Amphetamine was first developed in 1887 in Germany. The more potent and easier to synthesise methamphetamine followed in Japan in 1919. In World War II, both drugs were used extensively by the Allied and Axis forces for their performance-enhancing effects and were administered to soldiers to help them stay alert and awake. Japanese Kamikaze pilots were also known to be given high doses of methamphetamine before their suicide missions; millions of Japanese defence workers and civilians used them as well. Following W.W II, combat forces around the world kept using stimulants for the added stamina and physical motivation.
Not just the forces, but historical figures like Hitler and later John F. Kennedy also took speed. The latter was under the supervision of German physician Max Jacobson “Dr. Feelgood” who provided JFK with amphetamines along mood-modulating steroids (for his Addison’s disease) as well as meperidine (Demerol), methadone (Dolophine), and methylphenidate (Ritalin).
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Like opium, morphine, heroin and cocaine before the 1920s, amphetamines were also sold over-the-counter before being discontinued due to high potential for abuse and dependence |
The Benzedrine decongestant was the first ever pharmaceutical containing amphetamine — with an equal parts mixture of levoamphetamine and dextroamphetamine. It was then followed by Benzedrine sulfate pills which were introduced three years later. The pills, colloquially known as Bennies, were marketed as a kind of cure-all medication and dispensed for a variety of conditions; from narcolepsy, obesity, low blood pressure, low libido, chronic pain to colic and migraines.
At the time, speed became such a big hit, it was used recreationally and was repeatedly referenced in culture through literature and music.
The Beat Generation’s writers and poets were big fans, mainly of Benzedrine. Jack Kerouac is one of those who particularly enjoyed getting zonked on it. Apart from Kerouac’s novel On the Road, references were also found in William S. Burroughs’s Junky, Allen Ginsberg’s memoir poem Howl, and in Sylvia Plath’s The Bell Jar.
Other examples are Ian Fleming’s James Bond who used the Benzedrine inhaler at times of peak stress. Elton John’s Bennie and the Jets — with “Bennie” being an allusion to Benzedrine while “Jets” an allusion to speed. Also in “Wet Sand” by Red Hot Chili Peppers, and R.E.M’s “What’s the Frequency, Kenneth?”.
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Dexedrine (L) and Dexamphetamine |
When the patent of Benzedrine was about to lapse around 1949, GlaxoSmithKline company introduced Dexedrine as its successor. Dexedrine is a dextroamphetamine which was initially used to treat depression. In high enough doses the drug increases the production of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain, both of which cause the same fight or flight response in the user.
At start, Dexedrine didn’t achieve the same levels of popularity as Benzedrine. When users, however, began reporting its weight loss properties, it became an overnight success. By 1955 SKF was making sales of $12 million per year.
Amusingly, with all the X and Z I’m reminded by something I have written a while ago:
Xanax, Xalkori, Xgeva, Xtandi, Xyrem, Xylazine, Lexapro, Dexedrine, Paxil, Celexa, Nexium, Effexor, Desoxyn, Suboxone, Subutex, Benzedrex, Celebrex, Clarinex, Brintellix, Trintellix, Luvox, Vioxx; Zaltrap, Zantac, Zelboraf, Zestril, Zithromax. Zocor, Zoloft, Zosyn, Zyban, Zyprexa, Zykadia, Zyrtec, Zytiga, Prozac, Victoza, Benzedrine, Etizest, Otezla, Etizola.
Pharmaceutical companies deliberately choose to add the letters ‘X’ and ‘Z’ to the brand names of their drugs so that we find them compleX and believe they know what they’re talking about.
Now four more names are added to the list.
But perhaps what was most disturbing is finding out that more than 10,000 toddlers at ages 2 and 3 were taking these drugs: That is, “far outside any established pediatric guidelines,” as professor of clinical psychiatry, Richard A. Friedman put it.
To get a tad more specific concerning the umbrella term ‘amphetamine’, Ritalin (Methylphenidate Hcl), like Concerta, is a dopamine reuptake inhibitor (RI); whereas Adderall (Dextroamphetamine-Amphetamine) is both a dopamine releasing agent and a reuptake inhibitor.
The difference is that Adderall increases dopamine signalling more than Ritalin does; and generally speaking, it is considered stronger and more stimulating. It also has a longer half-life and may feels smoother to many. While Adderall is considered more addictive, Ritalin has more adverse side effects, particularly during long-term use.
Understandably, people with different brain chemistry and wiring react differently to different drugs. But common positive effects of stimulants are elevated mood, decreased hostility, improved mental function. For those who actually need it, and not just seeking a recreational high, it slows down that “constant chatter of noise in their minds, the nervousness, the worry, the panic,” as worded by a user. For ADHD, prescribed amphetamines appear to improve brain development and nerve growth. It keeps them focused and on task.
As mentioned, amphetamines do enhance performance and increase stamina and motivation. Not just cognitive performance, especially at low or moderate doses, but physical as well. Other than students, some athletes — and soldiers — use it for its psychological and athletic effects such as increased endurance and alertness, despite being illegal in many competitions.
Nonetheless, some doctors consider attention deficit disorder (ADD) and attention deficit-hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) to be sort of fictitious diseases. This includes Dr. Leon Eisenberg, the “inventor” or “father” of (ADD) and (ADHD) himself who uttered just that during his last interview with German weekly Der Spiegel seven months before his death. If you Google it, however, you will be swamped with all sorts of controversial articles and heated debates from both sides of the spectrum.
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ADHD meds |
Due to its potency, neurotoxicity, addictive nature, risk of withdrawals, and stigma associated with being almost like a younger brother of crystal meth, Desoxyn is rarely prescribed. In fact, not all countries allow dispensing its prescriptions — relying instead on other medications for ADHD. Where allowed, it is used as an ultimate last resort.
“Meth” sold in the streets is called Beannies, Chalk, Crank, Speed. The powder or pills can either be snorted, smoked, or injected.
*DesoXYn is another drug name to be added to the Ha-Ha.
Then lastly, there is Crystal Meth — a crystallised form of methamphetamine. This is solely a street drug which is used recreationally and never prescribed. It is manufactured in clandestine labs and used illegally. It usually comes in the form of crystalline rocks which are either smoked or injected. Crystal meth is often referred to as ‘ice’, ‘crystal’, ‘crank’ and ‘glass’. Taking into account the regional and cultural differences, other street names include: Crissy, Tina, Shards, Go, Whizz, Dope. Also Blue devils, Chalk, CR, Fast, Mexican crack, Pink, Rock, Speckled birds.
Even though both meth and crystal meth are used for different purposes, they are fundamentally the same thing: The chemical n-methyl, 1- phenyl-propane, 2-amine is called methamphetamine or for short, meth. In its crystalline form, it becomes crystal meth. So chemically they are the same, but their structural makeup is different, varying in form and levels of purity. Though both drugs can be safely classified as “meth”.
One term related to meth is ‘tweaking’. For a meth head, it follows other stages beginning with the ‘rush’, then the ‘high’, and then more bingeing. Tweaking is the period when the body and psyche stop responding to the drug anymore, usually after bingeing and staying up for days at a time, with minimal to no food. Normally, it is followed by crashing — sleeping — which could take up to a few days for the body to recover from the binge.
Another related finding is that both amphetamine and methamphetamine are used recreationally as euphoriants and aphrodisiacs — with methamphetamine being the more common recreational drug due to precursor availability and relative ease to manufacture.
As a potent aphrodisiac, euphoriant, and stimulant, there exists an entire subculture known as Party-n-Play based on mixing meth with sex. Generally speaking, it often describes gay men who meet through the Internet to engage in high-risk sexual activity. While PnP is the terminology associated with North America for the phenomenon, ‘Chemsex’ is the term used for such type of gay sex scene in Britain and the rest of Europe. Other drugs used in the same scene as sexual stimulators are Mephedrone, GHB, and GBL.
Scientifically speaking, amphetamine is known as methylated phenylethylamine. When methylated twice instead of once, it becomes meth amphetamine. Despite their similar structure and being almost identical in nature, this small, double-process chemical step renders meth significantly faster acting, more potent, more addictive, and therefore has more potential for abuse than amphetamine. The high also lasts longer.
Their legal status is another difference. Under the Controlled Substances Act, amphetamines are Schedule III drugs — those with known or accepted medical use — while meth is scheduled II. Funny enough, marijuana, LSD and mushrooms still remain Schedule I along with heroin.
Nevertheless, both drugs cause “euphoria” and a “well-being” sensation due to the increased release of norepinephrine and dopamine in the brain. This release of pleasure chemicals stimulates the brain’s reward centre, enticing the user to continue using. As tolerance develops one constantly craves increasing levels of the drug. Apparently the dopamine levels on meth are much higher than that on cocaine or heroin.
As with other dangerous drugs, after prolonged use the brain’s chemistry
tends to change. With meth specifically, one of the changes is the blocking of
dopamine released in the brain. Abuse or prolonged use can lead to exhibiting properties which are detrimental to one’s mental health and physical well-being.
All that said, both amphetamines and meth can easily lead to physical dependence and withdrawal symptoms are experienced following constant habitual usage. But as we have seen, meth will get one there much faster.
I hold that when we don’t force or obsess about things they often just happen organically. So one day out of the blue as I was giving a local homeless guy some clothes, he handed me a small baggie with some white powder in it — as a thank you. How adorable.
This wasn’t our first interaction as I had been sharing food, change, and words with him for a while. I didn’t say much and when I went home I took it out of my pocket, wondering what it might be. Knowing that the guy does meth, I reckoned it must be it.
The baggie stayed there in my drawer for about three days when one afternoon I thought “Why not”. I had no idea how potent or weak the powder is. But being only two small lines, I decided to check for myself. One was up. Followed by some burning sensation. When five or seven minutes later I was alright, I took the second. In about a couple of minutes I could tell it was a legit substance. Some energy with slight euphoria coupled with that same ability to focus.
The day was spent normally, between reading and writing; but I was quite energised and kept going until 3 am. Watching porn was astonishingly enjoyable because one is highly focused and can last for hours. The thing is that you are not in it for the ejaculation, but all else before it. So it can turn into a sort of chemical Tantric sex. No wonder PnP is a thing.
To get a perspective, the effects of a small line of cocaine — another stimulant but also a topical anaesthetic — may last for 30 minutes. Those two small ones for a maximum of one hour. So one can only imagine the potency of that substance. Then again, while the high is close to that of coke, somehow it seems you’re not quite as up there, clarity wise.
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How to take Adderall properly |
He then offered to share some of his meds. Knowing that things just come across me whenever I don’t seek them, I agreed to play along. I was also pleasantly surprised of the timing as I was already mid-writing this piece and was looking for as much research and experience as possible.
The stimulant effects of the ‘high’ were actually enjoyable. Probably because I had another head with me and not alone as I often am, which made the
interaction, talking, and listening a fun experience. Due to the relatively low dose — also about two lines — it was also conveniently short-lived. I was actually able to have dinner an hour later and sleep came naturally about two hours after that.
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Catch Wreck‘s ADHD project album cover by Jacob Leidolf |
To finalise this lengthy exposé, which technically took almost three years to compile, there was only one thing missing. While Google may have almost all the answers, in order to reach a wholesome view, direct experience is something that will always add to the litterature. With that in mind, I once again took to the streets to learn even more. My best, and perhaps also more convenient bet was to go back to the same homeless guy, which I did despite taking me a few days to locate him.
Once there, equipped with all the newly acquired knowledge about the world of uppers as well as a pen and paper, I sat on the ground next to him and began asking some questions. There was another homeless man who joined our interview, who ended up being the one to answer most questions while my guy was nodding and a seemingly a bit out of it.
Are amphetamines like Adderall and Ritalin sold in the street of Los Angeles?
Meh. There are a few people who seek them and those who sell them, but Meth is dominating.
Because Meth is stronger?
Yes it is.
Now when you say Meth, do you mean crystal meth or methamphetamine — because according to the findings they are two distinct substances despite being quite similar?
They are pretty much the same but they come in different forms. Some are sold by locals, while others by gang members.
Yes, ‘ice’ is. There is this website called where everything you’ll need to know is there. So what did you do?
Cool. Well, in my days I did heroin for seven years among many other drugs, but speed was the type I never delved much into, so I’m trying to learn more for a piece I’m putting together.
I’ve been on heroin for 14 years. Now I do both together.
[This actually surprised me due to him looking like he’s in his mid-late 20s.]
You shoot them together or one after the other? Is the high close to speedball (heroin + cocaine)?
Together. Yes, it’s a whole different high and there is actually a whole subculture now into this mix. The upper and the downer together takes you places.
I bet they do. Thank you, guys. Stay safe and goodnight.
Looking at both their faces, I once again wondered if Faces of Meth is taken totally out of proportions. They both are clean and look pretty smooth. And those are meth heads living in the streets of L.A. Maybe they learned how to hide it, as most addicts do or at least try to do.
Still, this woman I know told me the following exact words: “How crystal fucked me up in the past two years heroin never even came close to doing in 20 years of use/abuse.” Her, too, was doing both drugs simultaneously.
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Stimulants and Empathogens |
The subjective conclusion is that it once again seems to this psychonaut that the primary use of amphetamine and methamphetamine is to enhance performance. Whether for work or study — or to go to war or compete. They are like vitamins, or reinforcers if you will. Not much recreational.
Recreationally, if I wanted a psychoactive substance to, say, dance, I would still choose MDMA. If to go up, then blow it would be as it appears to be of purer quality than speed. If I wanted to trip, it will be psychedelics. Even Ketamine wins in my head. But, if I were seeking energy and perhaps a certain mental clarity, then stimulants it will be. This, of course, remains a matter of opinion.
Conversely, that is not to say the extra energy, the stamina, motivation, stimulation, clarity, attention to details exhibited through ingesting stimulants in general do not make a difference. Because they do. I would actually be lying if I said my writing haven’t been occasionally enhanced by some upper or otherwise. Then again, after those past two decades I can confidently state they are still not the preferred kind of high. I’m happy to have experienced their effects throughout my life, even if briefly and with low-to-moderate doses, without actually seeking or getting hooked on them.
Another gained insight is that the dirtier, more potent street meth felt like heroin compared to the pharmaceutical amphetamine which felt like opioid medications such as hydrocodone or oxycodone. Due to whatever they are mixed with, if you ask any real junkie they would tell you that, in general, the high of street drugs happens to be stronger, sometimes even more enjoyable than pharma-grade substances.
So as we have seen, like almost all powerful drugs, neither methamphetamine nor amphetamine are really safe for use. But amphetamines are included in some prescription medications, hence they can be safe, especially when used as prescribed and under supervision or direct medical attention. Then again, just a hundred years ago cocaine and heroin were considered safe and legally sold.
On the other hand, it is common knowledge that, like opioids, stimulant medications in general are being over-prescribed, to adults and to children. The latter are being diagnosed, labelled, and medicated at an alarming higher-than-ever rate. Perhaps a portion of them are just kids being themselves — daydreaming, losing focus and attention at times, getting bored in class, occasionally exhibiting impulsive behaviour. Perhaps they are not all mentally diseased needing chemical aids like speed and meth.
Health is wealth, you see. Without sounding preachy, to be dependent on a substance or the other means losing a part of freedom. So stay clean if you can. If you choose to do drugs or to get on certain medication, or give it to someone including a child or adolescent, educate yourself first before taking the decision. With the amount of disinformation currently spread throughout the Internet and mass media, along with how the world of Big Pharma works, there is no other way than to be our own researchers. Knowledge is indeed power and it may save a life. Stay Awakened.
EDIT (June 2022):
As it turned out, crystal meth is not only available in Egypt nowadays, but it is also produced in the country. With one gram for a meagre 600 EGP (US$ 20) compared to 3000 EGP (US$ 97) for a gram of cocaine, Ice is way more affordable and may unfortunately be on its way to become an actual epidemic. Beside its crystal form, apparently another synthetic psychostimulant amphetamine abused in Egypt and throughout the Middle East is Fenethylline — with brand names like: Captagon, Biocapton, and Fitton.
*Documentary below
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Also, Honey, heroin was a cure-all cough medicine followed by amphetamine becoming an OTC decongestant |
The LSD Experiments of the 1950s and 60s [Videos & Documentaries]
Surviving the Madness of Sakarana — Hyoscyamus muticus
Out-of-Body Experience and Ego Death on a “Heroic Dose” of Mushrooms
Opiated Then Hatin’ It
Addiction Talk: My Correspondence With a 31-Year-Old Reader Before He Passed Away
Placebo Effect & The LSD Prank
Dealing with High Awareness and Empathic Accuracy
Funny Drug-Related Stories
Funny Drug-Related Stories 2
The Egyptian Man Who Kept a Piece of Hash in His Stomach for Four Years
Animals Getting High: Weird Nature ― Peculiar Potions [Documentary]
When The Sky Spoke Back
Surviving the Madness of Sakarana — Hyoscyamus muticus
Out-of-Body Experience and Ego Death on a “Heroic Dose” of Mushrooms
Opiated Then Hatin’ It
Addiction Talk: My Correspondence With a 31-Year-Old Reader Before He Passed Away
Placebo Effect & The LSD Prank
Dealing with High Awareness and Empathic Accuracy
Funny Drug-Related Stories
Funny Drug-Related Stories 2
The Egyptian Man Who Kept a Piece of Hash in His Stomach for Four Years
Animals Getting High: Weird Nature ― Peculiar Potions [Documentary]
When The Sky Spoke Back
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Thank you, Isabella. Glad you enjoyed it.
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Man... drugs are good when done moderately