Tuesday 21 March 2017

Random Stuff You May Not Know: Nine

1- Eastern quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus)

After The Quokka from Random Stuff You May Not Know: Six, another bizarre, unknown marsupial from the same area of mainland Australia along with New Guinea and Tasmania is the Quoll (Dasyurus viverrinus). Shown in the above photo, the Eastern Quoll, also known as the Eastern Native Cat, is a medium-sized carnivorous dasyurid marsupial native to Australia. It was thought to have gone extinct before suddenly making a single surprising appearance in 1999, then another in 2006. over 50 years ago. Finally in 2015, a small population was reintroduced to the mainland in a protected reserve at Canberra. Read more about it Here.

Speaking of rarity, check
The Most Unusual and Unknown Creatures [Photos & Videos] as well as its sequel, The Most Unusual and Unknown Creatures II.

2- Blood Orange 

A friend of my parents grow these wicked fruits and he kindly sent us some. They are only available in certain seasons, usually for a short time.

Some of you may know Blood Orange while others may not. It is a variety of orange (Citrus × sinensis) with crimson, almost blood-coloured flesh. The taste is significantly different than that of normal oranges — a bit like raspberry — and generally they are juiced. Yummey.

The distinctive dark flesh colour is due to the presence of anthocyanins, a family of antioxidant pigments common to many flowers and fruit, but uncommon in citrus fruits. The three most common types of blood oranges are the ‘Tarocco’ — native to Italy where they are the primary orange grown there, the ‘Sanguinello’ — native to Spain, and the ‘Moro’, the newest variety of the three.
The fruits have originated in either China or the southern Mediterranean, where they have been grown since the 18th century. In Egypt, they are simply called: “Abou Dammoh”, literally translating into, “with his blood”.  

Interestingly, after sharing this info on Facebook an Italian friend of mine from the Venice Beach Drum Circle commented that in Italy blood oranges are eaten in salads. This inspired me to cut them up like oranges and eat them and Boy Oh Boy, what a great taste that was.

And now you know. Cheers.

On a parallel note, learn about The Difference Between Mandarin, Tangerine, and Clementine on this previous article of mine — in addition to the origin of the fruit in Egypt along the etymology of the word ‘Mandarin’, (يوسف أفندي), in Arabic. 

3- Concussion Leads Man to Musical Genius

With 1 in a 8 billion people, the story of Derek Amato is an extreme rarity. He had never touched a piano before and after hitting his head on the bottom of the pool he was taken to the hospital with severe concussion. He was then taken home where he slept for five days. When he awoke he had a strong and sudden urge to play the piano. Scientifically speaking, serotonin encourage neurons to make new connection in the brain after brain damage. In Derek’s case, the part that was affected is the one responsible for creative thinking. Hence, his newly-acquired piano playing skills. How truly mind-boggling is that human brain of ours!

4- Daggering

There is an erotic dance popular in Jamaica called “Daggering”. It was banned from TV after causing too many broken penises. Yep, as you heard. Hit Me With Music is a full documentary about the phenomenon. 

5- The Pacific Geoduck (Panopea generosa)

The Pacific Geoduck (Panopea generosa) is a species of very large, edible saltwater clam in the family Hiatellidae. The common name is derived from a Lushootseed (Nisqually) word gʷídəq. The geoduck is native to the west coast of North America.

The following is a video of a couple hunting a 4.5 lbs Geoduck. 

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