Monday 23 March 2015

Why Japanese Females Have Bowlegs

Why Japanese Females Have Bowlegs by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul

Have you ever noticed how a large number of young Asian women — and some men — tend to have crooked lower legs that curve outward? Well, you’re not the first to inquire about such peculiarity. People are actually asking this same question all over the Internet. 
And this is what I found.

Bowlegs is a condition in which the knees stay wide apart when a person stands with their feet and ankles together. Certain cases are more extreme than others, normally forcing the person to walk in a somewhat strange way.

Medically speaking, Bow-leggedness is called Genu Varum. Also known as Bandiness, Bandy-leg, and Tibia Vara, it is a physical deformity marked by outward bowing of the lower leg in relation to the thigh, giving the appearance of an archer’s bow. Usually a medial angulation of both femur — the thigh bone — and the tibia — the larger of the two leg bones located below the knee cap — is involved.

Due to the folded position in their mother’s womb, being mildly bowlegged is considered normal in infants below 18-months old. As the child starts to walk and the legs begin to bear weight, the legs are typically straightened, resolving the issue without any type of bracing or treatment.

However, the condition may persist if the child is in poor health; mainly if sick with rickets (bone disorder caused by vitamin D deficiency) or suffering from any ailment which prevents the due ossification of the bones, or is improperly fed. Once older than three and a half years old and the legs and still notably crooked, then treatment is advised.

But why Japan? Well, bow-leggedness

 is particularly widespread in Japan where it is believed that a staggering 90% of women are bowlegged. According to a Japanese folklorist, Kunio Yanagida, in Japanese culture the crooked legs were once “known as beautiful woman’s attraction”, seen as cute and endearing. A similar idea lies behind China’s foot binding — a cultural symbol of femininity.

On a parallel yet more sensual note, check Why Some Women Point Their Feet When Aroused on this other article. 

Young females with visible bowlegs. Why Japanese Females Have Bowlegs by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul
Is it still considered attractive?

It is believed that the origin of bow-leggedness may have stemmed from the days of wearing kimonos. Since it’s easier to walk in them if you turn the toes slightly inward. “That also produces what has long been considered a graceful, attractive gait.

According to other popular theories, bowlegs could result from how girls sit on the floor as children; either with both legs bent outwards at the knees (called Onnanoko-zuwari in Japanese) or seiza, which is sitting on the heels with bent knees. Though for now, these ideas remain but theories.

The condition is equally common in some other Asian countries, but perhaps not as widespread as in Japan. This confirms how frequently I have seen this phenomenon, mainly in the streets and subways of Canada and the U.S.

The legs of the young woman you see in the above video are referred to as “X legs”. It is when the knees are naturally inverted, causing the person to walk like a duck. One Japanese blogger shared: “They look like they need to pee”. Badly, it seems. Or they are about to take a group photos with their besties. However, the much more common in Asians, as well as in general, are the “O legs,” which are also arched but not as drastically. 

Correction of leg curvature. Why Japanese Females Have Bowlegs by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul
Correction of leg curvature

Fortunately, bowlegs can be treated in children and in adults. Anthropometric cosmetology is the medical practice science of correction and modification of deformities in the upper and lower extremities of the body. It is used to fix the X-shaped curvature of the legs as well as the O-shaped curvature. It can also be used in cases of relative shortening of the legs relative to body length.

Anthropometric cosmetology is done either to attain an aesthetically pleasing appearance or to eliminate physical and psychological discomforts. Though the severe cases of bow-leggedness can worsen quickly if not treated early enough. Treatment for children is typically braces, but also surgery may be necessary, especially for teens. The operation consists of taking a piece of tibia out, breaking the fibula, and straightening out the bone. There is also the option of slightly elongating the legs.

There are apparently other less professional ways to fix the ‘X’ and the ‘O’ shapes in legs. One of those natural treatments are the Japanese Ashi-yubi Shiikuretto Ringu” (Toe secret ring) seen in the image below. Wearing this ring is supposed to help center the weight of the body. Because if you have bowlegs or your pelvis is distorted, your balance is spread outside. So the rings not only fixes the posture and straighten the legs, but allegedly it can also make one lose weight.

Why Japanese Females Have Bowlegs by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul
Ashi-yubi Shiikuretto Ringu” (Toe secret ring)

Another advertised treatment for O legs / X legs is a straightening correction band sold online for $22.

Even though treatments for bowlegs are available, many people choose not to do it because they could be costly. However, in extreme cases like in the featured video, walking this way for years damages the pelvis bone among other things. Due to uneven stress and wear on the knees, it usually leads to more complications, such as accelerated onset of arthritis. As a matter of fact, those with bowlegs and a genetic predisposition for developing arthritis will likely start having arthritic symptoms around the age of 30.

One related condition to bowleggedness is Genu valgum, commonly called “Knock-Knees. And it is when the knees angle in and touch one another when the legs are straightened. It is the opposite of bow-leggedness, one could say. Beginning around two years of age it is common to see children’s legs become knock-kneed.

Both bowed legs and knock-knees are a part of normal development. As the child grows, the legs gradually straighten. Usually by 10 years of age, the legs are straight.

Why Japanese Females Have Bowlegs by Omar Cherif, One Lucky Soul

An additional related feet condition is the Pigeon toe — also known as Metatarsus varus, Metatarsus adductus, In-toe gait, Intoeing or False Clubfoot — which causes the toes to point inward when walking. It is most common in infants and children under two years of age. Though in my case, Pigeon toes remained through the mid-teens. After years of wearing, I recall how the Nike sneakers looked like the Tower of Pisa, especially whenever off. 

I actually think the girl in the same video may be bowlegged AND pigeon-toed. That’s like having dyslexia and being crossed-eyed. Sorry, just couldn't help it.

Oh well, now you know a few things about legs... and Japanese schoolgirls.


  1. I am Asian and I have slightly curved lower leg bones...the thought of breaking bones and stuff, ugh, I just can't even think about it. Other types of surgeries, I'm sure I could stomach with little to no fear but bones are another thing...

    1. Hi there,

      Slightly is completely fine. Many people live all their lives with no visible problems. Breaking the bones, though, is only required in the more advanced cases.

    2. I used to have bow legs before when I was a child. I have undergone treatments but it wouldn't work. Gladly one of my relatives offer us this product and in just a span of a month it really worked. I don't have the difficulty anymore and also boost my self-es
      teem. Hope this works for those who have bow legs.


  2. Thanks for the great article.

    I'll put these great bow legs tips to work right away.

    Another thing that is really helping me straighten my legs is this:

    Thanks again!

    1. I used to have bow legs before when I was a child. I have undergone treatments but it wouldn't work. Gladly one of my relatives offer us this product and in just a span of a month it really worked. I don't have the difficulty anymore and also boost my self-es
      teem. Hope this works for those who have bow legs.

  3. I have bowed knees and don't know why. I do have knee problems however patellar tendonitis in my right knee and my left knee sometimes aches when it rains LOL I'm only 29. Hopefully I don't need surgery or something but I'd be curious what that would be

    1. Hi Lovely. Patellar tendonitis is also called jumper’s knee and it’s quite the frequent injury, especially among athletes.

      As for the link between your knee pain and the rain, you can just Google "Knee pain/aches when it rains" and you'll find a whole lot of convincing reasons; mainly it's due to the nerve endings which sense any change in the pressure of the atmosphere. Cheers.


      Please visit and look .. i hope that if you use this product then your problem are solved

    3. I remember My cousin has the same issue with her legs, they hired a personal therapist for her and to do regular massage on a daily basis, it works really but its too expensive to do it day by day, and yes theses folks are right this product really did a great job! with just 10days, it change everything for her.. good luck God bless :)

  4. Hey, if you want to fix bow legs without surgery or bands, check this out: It is working.

  5. Looking for a Permanent Remedy for Bow Legs - Without the Need for Surgery?

    Read on to discover exactly what you need to do to fix your bow legs once and for all, and enjoy perfectly straight and attractive legs for the rest of your life!

    Please visit this link

  6. Interesting blog... keep-up the good work... May I share a blog about Tokyo at Asakusa Temple in
    Watch also the video in youtube

  7. Having bowlegs or knock-knees is frustrating…

    As it appears the only way to straighten your legs is to have expensive surgery.

    But that’s risky… as all sorts of serious problems can arise… and there’s no guarantee it will work anyway.

    Plus, the horrendous scars it leaves are downright ugly.

    So with this in mind…

    Is there a safe, natural way to solve the problem?

    Yes, and it’s a step-by-step system called “Bow Legs No More”.

    Inside you’ll discover the secret system that will straighten your legs… or your money back.

    Plus it’s completely safe to use in the comfort of your own home.

    This system has already worked for thousands of people all over the world…

    And considering it’s backed by up a 100% money back guarantee, there’s no risk.

    You can find more here…

  8. barring the photo of the leg correction before and after, those girls are all knock kneed! Look at the way their knees touch. If they were bow legged their knees would be far apart. The feet pointing inwards has nothing to do with it!

  9. Great information and thanks to share this

  10. Great Blog, Bow Legs No More - How to Straighten Your Legs Without Surgery!

  11. Great article.I love it. I'd like you to view this link for a Permanent Remedy for Bow Legs - Without the Need for Surgery?

  12. Wow! That's great! I'd like to share this amazing product that can help you to have a perfectly straight and attractive legs without surgery!

    So what are you waiting for, Click now!

  13. I'd like to share my this amazing product that can help you to have perfectly and attractive legs without surgery!

    What are you waiting for?
    Click now

  14. I remember My cousin has the same issue with her legs, they hired a personal therapist for her and to do regular massage on a daily basis, it works really but its too expensive to do it day by day, and yes theses folks are right this product really did a great job! with just 10days, it change everything for her.. good luck for thoses facing this problem! God bless :)

  15. This comment has been removed by the author.

  16. Informative article. try this for bow legged problems.

  17. Great review, maybe this will help you and your children fix those unwanted bow legs without any surgery it has positive reviews and helpful information about bow legs.

  18. here is a product that will work for people with now legs! My sister tried it and it worked for her. You're welcome 🙂

  19. I used to have bow legs before when I was a child. I have undergone treatments but it wouldn't work. Gladly one of my relatives offer us this product and in just a span of a month it really worked. I don't have the difficulty anymore and also boost my self-esteem. Hope this works for those who have bow legs.

  20. Love this blog! :) you might want to refer to this link on how to treat bow legs without surgery

    Happy to help out :)

  21. Thank you for the great content. Just an additional option, i found this as helpful without the need of surgery.

  22. Great article , i love it , this will help you to improve your legs in as fastest as 30 days , just check out here in this link !!

  23. Sometimes it baffled me that Japan has different perspective aesthetically particularly the body, that's why I love Japan.

  24. If you want to know how to correct the arched legs without surgery, go to the following link:

  25. Looking for a Permanent Remedy for Bow Legs - Without the Need for Surgery?Discover exactly what you need to do to fix your bow legs once and for all, and enjoy perfectly straight and attractive legs for the rest of your life!..pls check this link.

  26. How to straighten your legs without surgery? This is a permanent remedy. Visit this site.

  27. How to straighten your legs without surgery? This is a permanent remedy. Visit this site.

  28. Yoi tsuitachi... Looking for a Permanent Remedy for Bow Legs - Without the Need for Surgery?

  29. I never stopped wondering about: the incredible number of Japanese with crooked legs! It seems like more women are afflicted than men, but maybe that’s just because they show more leg. I’ve yet to come across anyone who can explain this phenomenon, but I guess it’s a combination of physical and nutritional factors. Do you have any idea what the heck is going on? I found this site very helpful

  30. Hey, I have been an ardent reader of your post and I have been following you all along and many of your articles are very educative and informative especially this particular article. I have trying to fix my bow legs but when i was going trough your post ,i saw lots of tips on the way out, thou some are saying it is due to lack of iron in the body ,but what is your opinion?I applied some of your solutions and is working for us. Again, I stumbled on this product and it was helpful too, what do you think? Really appreciate what you are doing. Keep it up. T his is the link

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  32. I used to have bow legs before when I was a child. I have undergone treatments but it wouldn't work. Gladly one of my relatives offer us this product and in just a span of a month it really worked. I don't have the difficulty anymore and also boost my self-es
    teem. Hope this works for those who have bow legs.

  33. Has nothing to do with malnutrition, kimonos, etc. It's genetics. My Ukrainian mother had bowed legs just like your depictions of Japanese women. My legs are exactly like hers. Whatever gene is responsible for this condition is apparently spread widely throughout Japan but pops up in other parts of the world as well.

  34. You shared very good blog love to read that and Bone defects such as bow legs are a major health concern. The affected child needs immediate medical attention to recover from such a severe health condition. It would be best to bring them to CODS Clinic for Bow legs Treatment In Ludhiana.
